Jesus ended badly, crucified on a cross, because he shocked and even scandalised the orthodox custodians of Revelation, while people of ill-repute flocked around him, fascinated by his Good News: Our Father makes us all true brothers and sisters. He calls us to conversion, to open up to a Kingdom where those who want to be first will ultimately be last…
This message is so habitual in the mouth of a priest preaching from the pulpit that it passes by like humming in our ears. But outside the church, what diabolical process is used to scandalise people when the message comes from the mouths of those who are bizarre, from people of the night who are keen on bacchanalia of all sorts; or when the message comes from the mouths of those who have been flayed by life and despised by society? Do the orthodox thinkers have more right to a place at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday than they do? And what about the Barabbas of today who violently denounce the Olympic Games as « bread and circuses » / opium for the subjugated people? Thank you to the victims of injustice and the marginalised of every stripe when they choose weapons other than terrorism to shake up good consciences!
Jesus truly created scandal, notably by driving the merchants out of the Temple, calling for a conversion of heart and mind in favour of a true relationship with our Father (See my article :
in French :
Greek bacchanalia or Last Supper? What were the artists referring to who painted this highly controversial picture of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris? My question lies elsewhere. Can the Good News be heard? Can the Gospel be heard? What is it really?
The motley crew who painted this picture disturbed me, and I thank them for this salutary shock. I thank them for having scandalised so many socially respectable people. What a wonderful opportunity for the Holy Spirit to ask the question of Jesus to each person one more time, « Who do you say I am?… Repent and believe in the Good News of the authentic reconciliation of everyone in Him… ».
Thank you to these passionate enthusiasts of pop-culture, the outsiders, the overweight, the drag queens – for offering their insights into our shared values of inclusion, generosity, solidarity and freedom.
« Our intention was to show tolerance and communion » (Anne Descamps, Paris 2024 spokesperson). Thank you for having created a time-in-space at the heart of these Olympic Games in which the Gospel bomb can explode anew. His message of fraternal communion is revolutionary (re-love-Uturn), it is no longer just a humming in our ears now, when we are suffering because of our nearby enemy; it is a concrete reality between the far left and the economic and political elites who defend their established disorder, between Israelis and Palestinians, Russians and Ukrainians, Rwandans and Congolese, and so on. Everything is grace: a call to conversion and an opportunity for salvation isn’t it?
If this message makes sense to you, don’t hesitate to share it!